Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Andy Warhol said, “In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes.” You can’t choose the fifteen minutes but why would you be world famous?

I would be famous for taking a stand and releasing the truth into the atmosphere. The truth that this nation needs to hear and be aware of. This truth is the truth that will set people free from bondages, this truth is so important to us as human beings. That truth that I am talking about is that we all need to live a life that is pleasing to God. We need to take a stand and be willing to give our hearts and every single ounce of our being to God.

While proclaiming this truth it is actually not me who would be made famous, because that is not the aim. My aim is to make the Almighty, the Most High God famous. Not that He needs to be made famous as He already is the most powerful. My desire is for people to open up their eyes and realise that they need to acknowledge that there is no Higher power, for them to realise that in order to live a prosperous life we all need God to be the foundation of it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

A skill set called leadership

Leadership is the process by which an individual has the ability to impact others positively in order to reach a specific goal or objective. Not everyone is born a leader but if you have the desire and you put your mind to it you are able to become an effective leader. Some individuals are better at following somebody else’s lead, whereas others are natural born leaders. Having the opportunity to be a leader (whether it is at school, varsity, work, church or for a project) is a good thing for individuals who have the ability to guide their team members. However, one has to make the most of this opportunity. It is important to lead by example, a leader that expects his/her followers to act in a certain manner or do a certain thing but does not display an example of this is a hypocrite.

A good leader has the ability to inspire their team members into a higher level of teamwork. They also continuously strive to improve their leadership skills. As a leader one should have an honest understanding of exactly who you are. You also need to be aware of what you know and what you are able to do. Followers will not perform well if they do not have confidence in their leader and in order for them to be confidence in their leader, the leader has to have confidence in them self first.

Our greatest strenghts are our greatest weaknessess.

After reading the heading for this blog I realised that this statement is true. Often we don’t even realise that our greatest strengths could be our greatest weakness. In many cases individuals use their strengths in the wrong way and this could lead to a negative impact on a situation. For example, there are numerous occasions where people who are in ‘high’ positions within an organisation or people who possess a lot of power use it in the wrong way. In this way their greatest strength which is their position or education becomes their greatest weakness.

Another example that comes to mind is if an individual is a peoples person, someone who strives to look out for the best interest of others, sometimes even putting others before themselves. This individual might care so much about the well-being of their friends, family and maybe even people that they interact with daily whether it is at school, varsity or their work colleagues, that they put these people first and really go out of their way to be good to others and at the end of the day these very same people that they strive to look out for are the ones who end up hurting this individual. In this way that strength becomes a weakness because in the end these people have the ability to walk all over this person.

Each and every one of us are different and we all have different strengths. However, it is important that we learn to use our strengths positively and not allow other people to take advantage of the strengths that God has blessed us with.