Friday, May 28, 2010

It's a bad idea to lie to yourself

Many people continually lie to themselves. It’s probably our way as human beings of making things seem to be the way that we want or hope for it to be. However, we should all realise that lying to oneself is a poor idea. It will not bring about any good. Lying to yourself just brings about havoc and could catch you completely off guard. The one day you might tell a friend, family member or even an acquaintance one thing and the next day you could end up telling them another without even realising it. By doing this you will obviously shoot yourself in the foot. So in that case, why not just tell the truth from the beginning?

It is normal for people to want the best for themselves in terms of education, security, wealth and health. This could probably be one of the main reasons why people lie to themselves. i.e. Some one really wishes they were well educated, lived in a really fancy home and had everything they need or could ever hoped for. But on the contrary their life and lifestyle is the complete opposite. They aren’t well educated and do not live the fancy life. So instead of facing reality they’d live a ‘make-believe’ life by telling people that they are some hot shot who lives in a mansion and has the dream job which any person would kill to have. At the end of the day these lies continue and become more and more. Eventually the lies will catch up with the individual and the person will end up having no friends at all.

If you continue to lie to others and yourself people will end up not believing you at all, even when you are telling the truth. Like the famous story we all know, the one about the boy who cried wolf. I’m sure no one wants to be like him!

1 comment:

  1. It’s true Dee, it’s a bad idea to lie to yourself as lies have a way of catching up with you.
